sorry for the iPhone pic, my lens is pretty scratched up

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September 13, 2012 by seanbrock

sorry for the iPhone pic, my lens is pretty scratched up

Iphone 5 coming soon!


thanks to the vinegar man, ideas in food, nordic food lab, JJ and the momofuku lab we have a whole new outlook on the world of vinegar. this is turnip juice that is on its way to becoming vinegar. our goal is to have vinegar for every vegetable and fruit that we work with. We are well on our way with almost 60 different vinegars working between the two restaurants. I am really impatient, i wish things were different but they simply aren’t. I taste these way too much during the vinegar making process. Sometimes being impatient pays off…..but only sometimes. I tasted this turnip juice about 4 days under the bubbler…it was so delicious. It tasted like biting into a turnip straight out of the ground. it almost tasted like prepared horseradish. it instantly brought a smile to my face and my mind started racing. we currently reheat some barely braised turnips in this juice a la minute. the results are mind bending. this is what we are striving for…..things in our pantry that can enhance the natural flavor of the product without getting in the way……cooking is so much fun.

oh yeah….don’t throw away the pulp from the juicing process……add some salt and ferment that shit….its super tasty

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